
More about Rundowns

The Purification Rundown and Radiation

March 27, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The Purification Rundown and Radiation'.

The Role of Oil on the Purification Rundown

March 28, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The Role of Oil on the Purification Rundown'.

Modification of the Primary Rundown

April 24, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Modification of the Primary Rundown'.

The OCA Rundown

May 1, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The OCA Rundown'.

The Responsibility Rundown

May 1, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The Responsibility Rundown'.

Metalosis Rundown

May 1, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Metalosis Rundown'.

Wants Handled Rundown

May 1, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Wants Handled Rundown'.

Present Time Environment Rundown

May 1, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Present Time Environment Rundown'.

False Purpose Rundown

June 5, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'False Purpose Rundown'.

C/Sing the False Purpose Rundown

June 11, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'C/Sing the False Purpose Rundown'.

Rundowns in the News

Date Titlesort icon Blurb Tags
June 29, 1978 Disability Rundown L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Disability Rundown'. HCOBs, Rundowns
June 20, 1978 Identity Rundown L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Identity Rundown'. HCOBs, Rundowns
December 20, 1975 The Student Booster Rundown L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The Student Booster Rundown'. HCOBs, Rundowns
October 6, 1974 The Vital Information Rundown, The Technical Breakthrough of 1974 L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The Vital Information Rundown, The Technical Breakthrough of 1974'. HCOBs, Rundowns
October 21, 1973 The South African Rundown L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The South African Rundown'. HCOBs, Rundowns
January 23, 1973 The Introspection Rundown L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB "The Introspection Rundown" HCOBs, Rundowns
April 4, 1972 Primary Rundown (Revised) L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Primary Rundown (Revised) '. HCOBs, Rundowns
April 3, 1972 Primary Rundown Note L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Primary Rundown Note'. HCOBs, Rundowns
January 4, 1971 Exteriorization and High TA, The Interiorization Rundown Revised L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Exteriorization and High TA, The Interiorization Rundown Revised'. HCOBs, Rundowns
August 20, 1970 Interiorization Rundown Musts L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Interiorization Rundown Musts'. HCOBs, Rundowns