
Read about pickets, protests, and demonstrations against Scientology from all over the world.

More about Pickets

Pickets of Scientology Organizations, 2000 and earlier

Read reports from pickets of Scientology organizations around the world.

My Scientology Activism

I protest Scientology because I think it's hurting people and breaking the law. Scientology hasn't really done much to me; I speak out because I'm concerned for others.

Pickets in the News

Date Titlesort icon Blurb Tags
September 10, 1995 Las Vegas Picket Ted Mayett pickets in Las Vegas, Nevada. Pickets
September 9, 1995 Melbourne Picket Critics picket in Melbourne. Notes: And Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide Pickets
September 1, 1995 Worldwide Picket Critics picket in Worldwide. Notes: First World-Wide picket, multiple reports. Pickets
September 1, 1995 Chicago Picket Critics picket in Chicago. Notes: Souvenir Scrapbook. Pickets
August 1, 1995 Las Vegas Picket Ted Mayett pickets in Las Vegas, Nevada. Pickets
July 1, 1995 London Picket Poole pickets in London, Poole, Add'l. Notes: F.U.S.S, First Demo Pickets
June 1, 1995 Berlin Picket Critics picket in Berlin. Notes: This demo was organized by several groups Pickets
May 5, 1995 Oklahoma City Picket Critics picket in Oklahoma City Pickets
March 14, 1995 Canberra Picket Critics picket in Canberra. Notes: First internet picket post Pickets
March 1, 1995 Mesa Picket Critics picket in Mesa, Arizona. Notes: Private Investigators were used. Pickets