Michael Meisner and Gerald Wolfe are caught

Date: June 11, 1976
Michael Meisner and Gerald Wolfe are caught by FBI in the Washington DC courthouse after a security guard at the US Courthouse becomes suspicious of their (forged) IRS credentials. FBI agents question Michael Meisner and Gerald Wolfe. As told by the St. Petersburg Times: "The story is told in the uncontested evidence offered by the government at the Washington trial of nine Scientologists on conspiracy charges. Meisner and Wolfe were sitting in the library of the U.S. Courthouse on John Marshall Place -- at the foot of Capitol Hill where Constitution Avenue intersects with Pennsylvania. They were waiting for a cleaning crew to get out of the office of Nathan Dodell -- an old foe of Scientology -- so they could steal Dodell's personal files in order to devise a covert operation to remove him as an assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia. Two FBI agents, summoned by a suspicious night librarian, approached them and asked for identification. Meisner showed his IRS identification card. While agent Dan Hodges went to a telephone to call an assistant U.S. attorney, agent Christine Hansen questioned the two men. Meisner said he and Wolfe had been in the courthouse to do legal research and that they had used the photocopying machine in the U.S. attorney's office to copy legal books and cases. After 15 minutes, Meisner inquired if they were under arrest. When agent Hansen said they were not, Meisner said they were leaving and he and Wolfe walked out." Meisner will later be hidden from the FBI by the GO, but he will eventually turn himself in.
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