The Toronto Scientology defendants allegedly begin stealing

Date: February 28, 1976
The Toronto Scientology defendants allegedly begin stealing documents from the Metropolitan Toronto Police, according to charges laid against them. (From the charges: "CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY OF TORONTO, JAQUELINE MATZ and MARILYN LINDA BELAIRE STAND CHARGED THAT they, together with JOHN BRADLEY, within the period commencing on or about the 28th day of February, 1976, at the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, did steal documents relating to the investigation conducted by the Metropolitan Toronto Police into the activities of Church of Scientology of Toronto, the property of the Metropolitan Toronto Police, of a value exceeding $200.00, contary to s.294(a) of the Criminal Code;") There was a directed verdict of not guilty, since a judge ruled that ALL of the documents seized in the raids were "confessional materials" and therefore inadmissable as evidence.
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