
Dianetics is the first part of the Scientology Bridge. Its focus is the self-help therapy called auditing, purported to produce the state of Clear.

More about Dianetics

Concerning the Separateness of Dianetics and Scientology

January 25, 1957: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOPL 'Concerning the Separateness of Dianetics and Scientology'.

Engram Running on Old Dianetic Cases or Restarted Cases

February 26, 1959: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Engram Running on Old Dianetic Cases or Restarted Cases'.

Abbreviations and Symbols of Dianetics and Scientology

August 23, 1965: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Abbreviations and Symbols of Dianetics and Scientology'.

Study of Expanded Dianetics

May 1, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Study of Expanded Dianetics'.

Expanded Dianetics Repair List-L3 EXD

May 1, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Expanded Dianetics Repair List-L3 EXD'.

Expanded Dianetics Service Facsimile Handling

May 1, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Expanded Dianetics Service Facsimile Handling'.

C/Sing and Programing Expanded Dianetics

May 1, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'C/Sing and Programing Expanded Dianetics'.

Handling Hidden Standards with Expanded Dianetics

May 1, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Handling Hidden Standards with Expanded Dianetics'.

Expanded Dianetics Repair List-L3 EXD Word List

May 1, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Expanded Dianetics Repair List-L3 EXD Word List'.

Misrepresentation of Dianetics and Scientology

September 29, 1967: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOPL 'Misrepresentation of Dianetics and Scientology'.

Dianetics in the News

Date Titlesort icon Blurb Tags
November 29, 1981 Dianetics and Scientology Compared to Nineteenth Century Practices L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Dianetics and Scientology Compared to Nineteenth Century Practices'. Dianetics, HCOBs
September 20, 1981 Dianetics and Scientology Redefined L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOPL 'Dianetics and Scientology Redefined'. Dianetics, HCOPLs
August 20, 1979 Dianetics and Scientology Are New L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOPL 'Dianetics and Scientology Are New'. Dianetics, HCOPLs
September 6, 1978 Routine Three SC-A, Full Service Facsimile Handling Updated with New Era Dianetics L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Routine Three SC-A, Full Service Facsimile Handling Updated with New Era Dianetics'. Dianetics, HCOBs
August 9, 1978 New Era Dianetics, A Requisite for Expanded Dianetics L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'New Era Dianetics, A Requisite for Expanded Dianetics'. Dianetics, HCOBs
July 24, 1978 Dianetic Remedies L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Dianetic Remedies'. Dianetics, HCOBs
July 19, 1978 Dianetic Persistent F/Ns L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Dianetic Persistent F/Ns'. Dianetics, HCOBs
July 14, 1978 Typical Dianetic Chain L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Typical Dianetic Chain'. Dianetics, HCOBs
July 9, 1978 Dianetic C/S-1 L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Dianetic C/S-1'. Dianetics, HCOBs
July 2, 1978 Dianetic Student Rescue Intensive L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Dianetic Student Rescue Intensive'. Dianetics, HCOBs