
More about Preclears

Illegal Pcs, Acceptance Of, Addition Regarding Purification Rundown

February 11, 1980: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Illegal Pcs, Acceptance Of, Addition Regarding Purification Rundown'.

PC Examiner

April 21, 1980: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'PC Examiner'.

Pc Indicators

May 3, 1980: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Pc Indicators'.

Illegal PCs, Acceptance Of, Addition Regarding Purification Rundown

February 11, 1986: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB "Illegal Pcs, Acceptance Of, Addition Regarding Purification Rundown"

Preclears in the News

Datesort icon Title Blurb Tags
March 1, 1962 Prepchecking L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Prepchecking'. HCOBs, Preclears
February 27, 1961 Outside PCs of Staff Members L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOPL "Outside PCs of Staff Members". HCOPLs, Preclears
October 30, 1959 To Retain Co-audit Pc's Interest in Case L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'To Retain Co-audit Pc's Interest in Case'. HCOBs, Preclears
May 22, 1958 "List the Enemies of Pc..." L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB '"List the Enemies of Pc..."'. HCOBs, Preclears