Albert Jaquier

Albert Jaquier was a high-level Scientologist. Despite having attested to OT VII, he was sick, impoverished, and miserable when he died. His diary records the distress he experienced at the end of his life - the broken promises of other Scientologists and the lack of compassion from those around him, including his son.

More about Albert Jaquier

Albert Jaquier, OT7, Diary Entry

July 31, 1994: Entry from the diary of Albert Jaquier, an OT7 Scientologist: Sad, no goal. Received a check from Ariane for $275 for Michael's school.

Albert Jaquier, OT7, Diary Entry

August 4, 1994: Entry from the diary of Albert Jaquier, an OT7 Scientologist: Saw Alain (Kartuzinsky), Ingrid (the "host" at Flag to whom public Scientologists can go and voice their concerns), Sergio (Chaplain), E/O, for this money cycle, a lot of charge (charge is Scientologese for mental trauma). I am tired, headache, toothache, sad.

Albert Jaquier, OT7, Diary Entry

August 5, 1994: Entry from the diary of Albert Jaquier, an OT7 Scientologist: Saw Alain, LRH Host,E/O, Sergio, big discussion regarding money cycle. 48 hours for Darling, Rhyner and Baer to come to Flag, not real.

Albert Jaquier, OT7, Diary Entry

August 6, 1994: Entry from the diary of Albert Jaquier, an OT7 Scientologist: Toothache, very painful, took aspirin (Scientologists are not supposed to take drugs, even aspirin), no courage.

Albert Jaquier, OT7, Diary Entry

August 7, 1994: Entry from the diary of Albert Jaquier, an OT7 Scientologist: Toothache, aspirin, my health is getting worse.

Albert Jaquier, OT7, Diary Entry

August 8, 1994: Entry from the diary of Albert Jaquier, an OT7 Scientologist: Fax from Rhyner--nothing. Toothache. Slept almost all day.

Albert Jaquier, OT7, Diary Entry

August 9, 1994: Entry from the diary of Albert Jaquier, an OT7 Scientologist: No money, sad, tired.

Albert Jaquier, OT7, Diary Entry

August 10, 1994: Entry from the diary of Albert Jaquier, an OT7 Scientologist: Slept, was very tired.

Albert Jaquier, OT7, Diary Entry

August 12, 1994: Entry from the diary of Albert Jaquier, an OT7 Scientologist: Alone, sad.

Albert Jaquier, OT7, Diary Entry

August 13, 1994: Entry from the diary of Albert Jaquier, an OT7 Scientologist: Alone, sad.

Albert Jaquier in the News

Date Title Blurb Tags
October 2, 1994 Entry, Albert Jaquier's diary: Ariane, Alex, San Salvador (a, mortgage. Cyril, up) Entry from Albert Jaquier's diary: Ariane and Alex helped me to clean San Salvador (a house he had to sell because he could not pay the mortgage. Cyril refused to help him clean it up). Albert Jaquier
September 28, 1994 Entry, Albert Jaquier's diary: Write O/Ws, I, sad Entry from Albert Jaquier's diary: Write O/Ws, I am very sad. Albert Jaquier
September 27, 1994 Entry, Albert Jaquier's diary: Write O/Ws Entry from Albert Jaquier's diary: Write O/Ws. Albert Jaquier
September 26, 1994 Entry, Albert Jaquier's diary: Continue, O/Ws, strange, tired Entry from Albert Jaquier's diary: Continue to write O/Ws, strange, very tired. Albert Jaquier
September 25, 1994 Entry, Albert Jaquier's diary: I, O/Ws (overts, withholds. An, BAD, Hubbard., A, divulged. It, overt, embarassing. A Entry from Albert Jaquier's diary: I write my O/Ws (overts and withholds. An overt is a BAD action or omission and good and bad are defined by Hubbard. A withhold is anything the person is withholding because he fears the consequences of its being divulged. It can be an overt, or just something embarassing. A common Scientology action is to "write O/Ws", IN FULL DETAIL, and give them to the Ethics Officer and Case Supervisor, who take appropriate actions). Albert Jaquier
September 24, 1994 Entry, Albert Jaquier's diary: I cry, sad, eat, empty, Ariane, $60, food Entry from Albert Jaquier's diary: I cry, sad, nothing to eat, fridge empty, Ariane brought $60 of food. Albert Jaquier
September 23, 1994 Entry, Albert Jaquier's diary: A, sadness, problems Entry from Albert Jaquier's diary: A lot of sadness, a lot of problems. Albert Jaquier
September 21, 1994 Entry, Albert Jaquier's diary: I, angry, finances Entry from Albert Jaquier's diary: I am angry, nothing is happening on the finances. Albert Jaquier
September 19, 1994 Entry, Albert Jaquier's diary: Auditing, hard, tired Entry from Albert Jaquier's diary: Auditing, hard, tired. Albert Jaquier
September 16, 1994 Entry, Albert Jaquier's diary: Auditing, hard, long, sad, disappointed Entry from Albert Jaquier's diary: Auditing, hard, long, sad, disappointed. Albert Jaquier