
More about lectures

Question and Answer Period: CCHs, Nulling Goals

June 28, 1962: L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Question and Answer Period: CCHs, Nulling Goals'.

Repetitive Rudiments and Repetitive Prepchecking, Part

July 10, 1962: L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Repetitive Rudiments and Repetitive Prepchecking, Part'.

Repetitive Rudiments and Repetitive Prepchecking, Part

July 10, 1962: L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Repetitive Rudiments and Repetitive Prepchecking, Part'.

Meter Reading

July 12, 1962: L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Meter Reading'.

Meter Training

July 12, 1962: L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Meter Training'.

E-Meter Reads and ARC Breaks

July 17, 1962: L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'E-Meter Reads and ARC Breaks'.

Anatomy of ARC Breaks

July 17, 1962: L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Anatomy of ARC Breaks'.

Question and Answer Period: Goals Lists, Field Auditors

July 19, 1962: L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Question and Answer Period: Goals Lists, Field Auditors'.

The E-Meter

July 19, 1962: L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'The E-Meter'.

Routine 3GA, Part

July 24, 1962: L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Routine 3GA, Part'.

lectures in the News

Date Titlesort icon Blurb Tags
July 17, 1950 Derivation of Laws-Part I L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Derivation of Laws-Part I'. Elizabeth, NJ, lectures, Public Lectures
July 17, 1950 Derivation of Laws-Part II L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Derivation of Laws-Part II'. Elizabeth, NJ, lectures, Public Lectures
July 15, 1950 Erasures L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Erasures'. Elizabeth, NJ, lectures, Saturday Course
July 15, 1950 Processing Children L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Processing Children' (alternate title "Child Dianetics"). Elizabeth, NJ, First Professional Course, lectures
July 14, 1950 Circuitry L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Circuitry'. Elizabeth, NJ, First Professional Course, lectures
July 14, 1950 Conception: The Sperm Sequence L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Conception: The Sperm Sequence'. Elizabeth, NJ, First Professional Course, lectures
July 14, 1950 The Tone Scale in Action L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'The Tone Scale in Action'. Elizabeth, NJ, lectures, Public Lectures
July 14, 1950 Things an Auditor Must Not Do L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Things an Auditor Must Not Do'. Elizabeth, NJ, lectures, Public Lectures
July 13, 1950 Auditor's Skill-Part I L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Auditor's Skill-Part I'. Elizabeth, NJ, First Professional Course, lectures
July 13, 1950 Auditor's Skill-Part II L. Ron Hubbard gives a lecture, 'Auditor's Skill-Part II'. Elizabeth, NJ, First Professional Course, lectures