HCO Bs are Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins. They document the "tech" of Scientology - procedures for auditing and training.

More about HCOBs

Administrative Stable Data

August 25, 1958: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Administrative Stable Data'.

Change Auditor's Code

August 28, 1958: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Change Auditor's Code'.

"The Cost for an Individual..."

September 3, 1958: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB '"The Cost for an Individual..."'.

Havingness-New Commands

September 12, 1958: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Havingness-New Commands'.

Post Case Analysis Routine

September 12, 1958: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Post Case Analysis Routine'.

More on Training Drill Two

September 15, 1958: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'More on Training Drill Two'.

Vital Training Data

September 29, 1958: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Vital Training Data'.

ACC Clear Procedure

October 15, 1958: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'ACC Clear Procedure'.


October 25, 1958: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Abbreviations'.

How to Read Profiles on OCA: Comparing Current Week Profile with Week Before

October 27, 1958: L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'How to Read Profiles on OCA: Comparing Current Week Profile with Week Before'.

HCOBs in the News

Date Titlesort icon Blurb Tags
September 24, 1979 Flying Ruds in Cramming L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Flying Ruds in Cramming'. Cramming, HCOBs
August 23, 1979 Product Debug Repair List L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Product Debug Repair List'. HCOBs
August 23, 1979 Debug Tech L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Debug Tech'. HCOBs
August 23, 1979 Crashing Mis-Us, Blocks to Finding Them L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Crashing Mis-Us, Blocks to Finding Them'. HCOBs, Misunderstoods
August 21, 1979 Twinning L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Twinning '. HCOBs
August 19, 1979 High-Crime Checkouts and Word Clearing L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'High-Crime Checkouts and Word Clearing'. HCOBs, Word Clearing
August 7, 1979 False Data Stripping L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'False Data Stripping'. Data, HCOBs
July 17, 1979 The Misunderstood Word Defined L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The Misunderstood Word Defined'. HCOBs, Misunderstoods
July 16, 1979 The "Elusive" Mis-U or Crashing Mis-U L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'The "Elusive" Mis-U or Crashing Mis-U'. HCOBs, Misunderstoods
July 7, 1979 Crashing Mis-U Definition L. Ron Hubbard writes HCOB 'Crashing Mis-U Definition '. Definitions, HCOBs