Scientology's Libellous Fliers

Scientology libels me repeatedly

Scientology has repeatedly distributed libellous fliers to my neighbors (and to me), just as they've done with several other critics across the country.

The bigot flier reads thusly:



[photo of me]

Your neighbor, Kristi Wachter, is a religious bigot.

Today she led a smear campaign against peaceful members of a religion and a picket in front of their church.

When she's not stirring up intolerance in the streets, Wachter abuses the Internet to spread lies about people and religions she doesn't agree with.

Don't criticize what you can't understand Kristi!

The hate monger flier says this:



[photo of me]

Your neighbor, Kristi Wachter, is a religious bigot and a hate monger.

Today she led a smear campaign against peaceful members of a religion.

When she's not stirring up hatred in the streets, Wachter abuses the Internet to spread lies about people and religions she can't tolerate.

I've scanned the bigot flier so you can see it for yourself.

The fliers contain several lies, inaccuracies, and important omissions.

I am neither a bigot nor a hate-monger; I don't believe that my protests, raising awareness that Scientology is breaking the law, constitute an act of hatred. Indeed, I am very fond of nearly all the Scientologists I've met, even some who have been quite rude to me. I aspire to love all people, and I certainly don't want to see any more Scientologists hurt, imprisoned, or killed by the criminal organization they support.

I am not intolerant of Scientologists; I typically converse with them, or try to, as politely as I can, when I picket Scientology's offices and when they picket my home.

I do not spread lies on the Internet. I have repeatedly asked Scientologists to point out any lies or inaccuracies they have found on my web pages. One Scientologist, Jeff Quiros, did point out an inaccuracy on one of my fliers (which was also on my web site); I verified his information and promptly corrected my fliers and my site. However, the Scientologists I've spoken with typically cannot name a single lie or inaccuracy; on occasion, one will claim that I'm lying but displays a clear misunderstanding of the truth (as when Nasty Mark told me that Scientology did not hurt Lisa McPherson ).

I DO understand Scientology , at least well enough to criticize it. I have researched Scientology's own policies, some of which clearly call for Scientologists to be incarcerated and for Scientology's enemies to be attacked and "destroyed." In order to allow you to make up your own mind, I have included fair use quotes in my web pages. Scientology does not quote these materials on their own web site .

The bigot flier says that I picketed "today;" however, the fliers are usually distributed the day after I picketed. Although the inaccuracy has been pointed out to them, they have not chosen to correct their fliers.

Finally, the fliers omit any information linking them to Scientology . Why doesn't Scientology want people to know who it is that I'm picketing?

The fliers are typically left in the gate of my apartment building, sometimes hand-addressed to my neighbors (using intercom codes, not apartment numbers). However, they are also handed out to passersby, and occasionally they've been left on car windshields.

Thanks to my sympathetic neighbors, many of the fliers have been given to me. I now have quite a collection:





6 bigot

one on a windshield, the others added to a stack of free newspapers as a resident of the building went to pick them up


3 hate monger

found in apartment building foyer


1 hate monger

received from Ben, my revenge picketer


8 bigot

found in gate, hand-addressed to my neighbors (including one for me)


1 hate monger

received from Stridenta, my revenge picketer


2 bigot

found in gate, different times of day


1 bigot

found in gate


1 bigot

found in gate


18 bigot

found in gate, hand-addressed to my neighbors (including one for me)


1 bigot

found in gate - according to my revenge picketer, Craig, it was put there for me


This page was last updated on May 8, 1999.